Copyright ©1998-2023 Aboca S.p.a.Società Agricola P.I. 01704430519


For the common good


The systemic vision of life in which the Group has always stood out, brought us to redefine a concept of health that is directly, constantly and indivisibly connected to society and environment. We believe that a company could thrive only if it is able of combining economic growth, social justice and nature respect.

For this reason, we decided to become a Benefit Corporation, a new legal form of company, introduced in 2016 in Italy, the first country in the world after United States.

In order to adopt this model, we formalised our commitment to pursue the Common Good in our articles of incorporation, adding six aims of public benefit to the traditional one of generating profit:

The promotion of people’s health and well-being
Constant research and development into natural and scientifically advanced molecular complexes
The creation of new supply chain models based on the active involvement of our partners and the communication of our values
The promotion of respectful practices that improve the balance and diversity of environment
A concrete focus on the cultural, social and economic development of the communities in which we operate
The valorisation of people who work with us

Our Impact Report

Every year we measure our contribution to each objective with our Impact Report, through which we define our annual improvement plan. In order to measure and report our general impact inside the Impact Report in a rigorous and quantitative way, we chose the Benefit Impact Assessment (BIA), an international benchmark developed by B Lab, a non-profit entity based in the US.

Measuring ourselves through this standard allowed us to map how Aboca has developed in these years of expansion, so we can plan a path of organic improvement which is consistent with our vision of growth.



Aboca achieved a score of 116.7 points in the B Corp certification. This is an extraordinary result considering that the B Impact Assessment has been used by over 110,000 companies worldwide, and only 3% of them exceeded the 80-point threshold. This voluntary certification verifies and ensures that a company works according to the highest standards of social and environmental performance.

More details on the B Corp certification of Aboca and the other companies of the Group, are available on the official website of certified B Corps.

These are the impact areas evaluated by the BIA:

Governance” area

assessing the company’s overall mission, ethics, accountability and transparency. The involvement of leadership in the creation of the Common Good was viewed positively, and there was recognition that Aboca’s mission is firmly anchored to a regenerative model of growth.

Workers” area

assessing the company’s contribution to the financial, physical, professional and social well-being of its employees, tracking aspects such as corporate benefits, workers’ health and safety and professional development opportunities.

Community” area

assessing the company’s commitment to and impact on the community. This includes topics related to diversity, job creation, relationships with community service providers, the numerous cultural initiatives and involvement with local businesses.

Environment” area

evaluating the company’s overall environmental management. In this area, our company has achieved a remarkable result thanks to the maximum score for the “Design to Conserve Agriculture Model” and the commitment to conserving biodiversity certified by the Biodiversity Alliance standard.

Customers” area

focusing on the impact of the product or service and the benefits for the communities it serves. In this area our products have been recognised as an important support to people’s health and well-being. In fact, our products are made of natural molecular complexes which respond to the needs of individuals without altering the normal biological balance of the human body.