Copyright ©1998-2023 Aboca S.p.a.Società Agricola P.I. 01704430519


Colilen IBS 96 Capsules

For the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, which is characterised by pain, abdominal bloating and intestinal irregularities.

MEDICAL DEVICE 0477 Read the warnings and instructions for use carefully.
Bottle with 96 capsules of 587 mg each

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Instructions for use

Take 2 capsules three times per day, either between meals or before meals. Colilen IBS may also be used in association with other symptomatic treatments during the acute phase of the disorder.


Functional ingredients: ActiMucin, patented natural molecular complex (IT n° 102012902020829) of resins (from Frankincense), polysaccharides (from Aloe vera) and polyphenols (from Chamomile and Lemon balm), titrated in resins ≥ 18%. Also contains: cumin, microcrystalline cellulose, fennel essential oil. Capsule with plant-based polysaccharides.


The product is indicated for ages 8 and up. It is contraindicated in pregnancy and when breastfeeding. Do not use in case of individual hypersensitivity or allergy to one or more components. Store at room temperature, away from heat sources and protected from light. Keep out of reach of children. The expiration date applies when the product is intact and stored properly.

Learn more

Colilen IBS is an innovative product for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, a condition that manifests with multiple symptoms of differing intensity that vary from person to person.

Colilen IBS is indicated for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, which is characterised by pain, bloating, distension and abdominal disorders, and may or may not be accompanied by changes in the appearance of faeces and abdominal irregularities (constipation, diarrhoea or an alternation of both).

Thanks to its protective effect, Colilen IBS gradually reduces intestinal ailments. Depending

Colilen IBS is an innovative product for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, a condition that manifests with multiple symptoms of differing intensity that vary from person to person.

Colilen IBS is indicated for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, which is characterised by pain, bloating, distension and abdominal disorders, and may or may not be accompanied by changes in the appearance of faeces and abdominal irregularities (constipation, diarrhoea or an alternation of both).

Thanks to its protective effect, Colilen IBS gradually reduces intestinal ailments. Depending on the intensity of the disorder, treatment should be continued for 2 to 6 weeks and repeated in the event that early symptoms reappear.

Colilen IBS capsules acts by means of ActiMucin, a patented molecular complex (IT n° 102012902020829) composed of Resins, Polysaccharides and Polyphenols. ActiMucin interacts with the mucosal surface of the intestine, with a physical and mechanical mechanism, forming a protective film that preserves the mucosa from contact with irritants.

Read the warnings and instructions for use carefully.

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